
Shri Swapan Kumarer Badami Hyenar Kobole Film Review

★ 2
Total Rating : 6
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What a Masterpiece by Debaloy Bhattacharya! Shri Swapan Kumarer Badami Hyenar Kobole Film Reaction

About the Plot
The film revolves around the adventures of detective Deepak Chatterjee and his mission to capture the well-known terrorist Badami Hyena. In a city threatened by the well-known international terrorist Badami Hyena, a long-forgotten detective Deepak Chatterjee is brought out of retirement by his creator, Swapan Kumar. As Deepak relentlessly pursues Badami Hyena, a captivating story unfold weaving history, culture and clever narrative tricks, rekindling the forgotten legacy of Swapan Kumar and Deepak Chatterjee.

About the Film Reaction
This kind of work in Bengali film industry is just outstanding. When I did trailer review, I mentioned this movie will create hype. After seeing this film today, I realized Bengali industry needed this kind of content. Let me talk about Swapan Kumar first. During the reign of Bankim Chandra, many writers started entertaining common people. Such writer didn’t have any entertaining content, very common in writing, by saying this they were set aside from the society. Slowly writers like Swapan Kumar emerged and started entertaining audience through detective stories. These writers started dissolving with time because detective like Byomkesh and Feluda captured the market and now when films are being made on these stories audience gets a relief. The monotonous seeing Byomkesh and Feluda fades away as Swapan Kumar’s story Badami Hyena brings a different flavour with Deepak Chatterjee. It was said in the trailer when Deepak Chatterjee comes he brings rain in the city, instead of bullet, rose comes out from his gun. It is mesmerizing to see Abir Chatterjee, Gautam Halder and Paran Bandyopadhyay’s acting. One can compare the full film with Hollywood. This is a experimental film because the story is made complex throughout the story. You cannot easily track the final phase of a story always, when you will go through the journey every scene you will feel the emotion of the story. In most places you will question yourself what is happening, where the story will take the turn but when the link is done in the climax it will give you satisfaction 

Coming to the positive points, firstly, selection of such a story and giving relief to Bengali audience is appreciable. Secondly, selection of the characters and building the chemistry between Abir Chatterjee and Paran da. The jugalbandi between these two is a treat to watch, at one place the writer thinks his own character is not in his control again on the other side the character thinks the write is restricting him, giving him old class dialogues. This chemistry between the two has beautifully been portrayed by the director and definitely hats off to the editor as well, there are many jump cuts which has been presented sweetly, hats off to Sanglap Bhomik for such editing

This story I feel personally follows a Hollywood treatment. It is difficult to sync with jump cuts. In many scenes sarcastic presentation has been given, actually we Bengalis give a hype to specific detective characters like Byomkesh and Feluda, definitely they are good but has been used so many times. In fact Rabindranath himself said if you use a word too many times it looses its meaning, like that if you use a detective multiple time in multiple ways the impact vanishes. The way Bengalis pamper such detectives may have hit the director for which he showcased a new avatar of a detective. The sarcasm is specially to those directors who are using the same old detective multiple times. The design has been done awesome. You all feel while watching a movie what can happen next but I gurantee while watching the film you will analyze every scene what will happen next. Another fact in this film you won’t find any mass murder, there is an amalgamation of comedy and seriousness in this film. In many places you will find commercialization, more like Hollywood where there is commercial treatment as well as the content is appropriate. The biggest point is climax of the movie. The way Debaloy Bhattacharya has thought of the climax it will make the audience feel to see the movie second time just for the climax. A brilliant background score by Amit da. We have seen his work in “Indubala Bhater Hotel “ but specifically in this film his work is too good. The songs itself are beautiful but the way it has been incorporated is brilliant. The songs are the lifeline of this film.

There is not as such negative points but many people will not like the use of Rabindranath’s few elements as well as the way other detectives are presented. In the end action sequences are there with Rabindranath’s songs and this can badly hit Bengali’s emotions, this amalgamation of comedy and action might not be liked by many but if I keep all these aside and I would because if audience can accept a film like “Animal” then with open arms they should accept this 

About the Director & Producer
The film has been directed by Debaloy Bhattacharya and produced by Hoichoi Studios

About the Casts 
The film stars Abir in the lead role as Deepak Chatterjee. We will also see Pratik Dutta as Ratanlal and Paran Bandyopadhyay as Swapan Kumar and many other talented actors 

The film is just a masterpiece. I won’t say much else it will become spoiler. Go to the theatres with your family and definitely watch the film and then comment in our comment section. Bengali film Reviews bring authentic information on bengali film industry. Be sure to visit Bengali film Reviews for more entertaining news and updates.

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