
Shesh Theke Shuru Film Review

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Shesh Theke Shuru Film Review

Chakraborty has skillfully assembled the film, maintaining a sense of intrigue throughout by revealing fragments of the twists along the way. However, ultimately, the content lacks substantial surprises for the viewer. Jeet, who is typically cast as an entertainer or an action hero with extraordinary abilities, delivers a more subdued performance in this film. Unnecessary action sequences are kept to a minimum, allowing the characters to exhibit realistic and nuanced dynamics.

The story unfolds when a flight to London experiences turbulence, causing Pujarini (Koel Mallick), a lively young woman, to panic and instinctively grab the arm of her fellow passenger, Mahid (Jeet). This incident marks the beginning of their acquaintance. Mahid, a somber individual, has relocated to London with his brother Rifat (Aditya Vikram Sengupta) and friend Jewel to escape some tension in their hometown, Dhaka. However, even in London, Mahid finds himself under constant surveillance. As Pujarini gradually brings joy into his life, Mahid proposes to her.

Their romance becomes a source of concern for Mahid's family in Dhaka, leading his brother-in-law Rakib to arrange for Mahid's return home. Meanwhile, Pujarini discovers she is pregnant but, at Rifat's insistence, she refrains from informing Mahid, who promises to return to her soon, unaware of Rakib's ulterior motives.

In Dhaka, Mahid is forced to get engaged to Farzana (Ritabhari Chakraborty) to resolve a family feud. Mahid disregards the decision but cannot reunite with Pujarini in London. The twists that follow create misunderstandings between the lovers. Pujarini secretly welcomes their child into the world while Farzana gets desperate to win Mahid’s attention.
Basically, the film shows how hatred and anger can make humans bereft of emotion. What is commendable is that director Chakraborty has shown that hatred has no religion. The reason for separating Mahid and Pujarini is not their religious differences but the conflict between two families of the same religion and the struggle for power that destroys everything.
Destiny also plays a big role in the plot. Two individuals from different countries meet accidentally and fall in love. But destiny continues to fool around. A victim of circumstances, Mahid remains in pain. Pujarini sees rays of hope at different points, only to have them extinguished. And Farzana is trapped in a bond that she can neither associate with nor detach herself from.
Logic or unpredictability isn't the film's strong suit. Pujarini’s father’s aversion to her after learning of her pregnancy is predictable, just like his change of heart when the baby is born. Pujarini not raising a question about armed men all around her new home with Mahid also doesn’t make sense.
Jeet’s restrained act helps to establish the storyline, though he is not at his most expressive. But he does seem too well dressed all the time. Koel Mallick starts off over the top, and not just literally, but gradually gets into the character and manages to portray her restlessness and the inner conflict between loving and hating Mahid.
Ritabhari Chakraborty is decent as Farzana, hungry for love and attention. She manages to appear evil without meaning to. However, her Dhakaiya Bangla accent sounds superficial.
Aditya Vikram Sengupta has delivered a smooth screenplay and his act as Rifat is convincing. Rakib is pure evil. Moreover, the actor playing him has commanding screen presence.
Manas Ganguly captures the romantic sequences between Mahid and Pujarini with a lot of soul. The chase sequence involving Rakib and Mahid is also conceived with finesse. Mohammed Kalam deserves credit for lending the film an engaging pace.
Amit Sreshtha’s background score synchronizes well with the moods of the various sequences in the film. Arko Pravo Mukherjee’s 'Allah Amar' song alleviates the remorse of both Mahid and Pujarini; but neither this song nor 'Mon Amar' is too impressive in terms of melody.
Shesh Theke Shuru is a one-time-watch film for audiences that love to spend their money on emotional love stories and family dramas. Jeet has picked a good script for his fiftieth film by shifting his focus from mindless comedy or action flicks.

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