
Savings Account Film Review

★ 4
Total Rating : 1
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Savings Account Film Review

The film Savings Account appears to draw inspiration from the common and thrilling trope of heists involving banks, which has gained popularity in recent times. However, the plot seems to leave viewers confused about its true genre and direction. It is unclear whether it aims to be a revenge saga, a drama, or a thriller, as the unfolding story presents unrealistic and improbable premises.

Debopriyo Mukherjee, who plays the role of Jeetu in the film, expresses his excitement about being part of a heist film, a genre that is not commonly explored in Bengali cinema. As revealed in the trailer, the film revolves around a bank robbery orchestrated by Abhi, portrayed by Ankush, with the assistance of Jeetu. However, as the robbery progresses, differences between Abhi and Jeetu arise, disrupting their plans. Simultaneously, law enforcement forces led by DCP, portrayed by Sayantika, begin to surround the bank. As the narrative unfolds, Abhi's hidden agenda and his past ghosts start to surface. The film focuses on the chaos that ensues when all hell breaks loose.

It seems that Savings Account aims to deliver a mix of suspense, action, and character-driven storytelling. With the dynamics between the characters and the unexpected revelations, the film explores the consequences and challenges faced during the ill-fated bank robbery. The audience can expect twists and turns as the story unfolds, revealing the true nature of the characters and their motivations.

Overall, Savings Account promises to offer an engaging cinematic experience with its heist-themed plot and the conflicts that arise within the narrative. The film explores the complexities of its characters while incorporating elements of suspense and drama.

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