
Magic Film Review

★ 0
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Magic Film Review

The film "Magic" takes on the format of a captivating magic show, combining elements of drama, thrills, suspense, and social awareness. While most of these aspects are skillfully integrated into the narrative, there is a lack of consistency that may leave the audience wanting more. At times, just as you're about to appreciate a well-executed scene, the film surprises you with amateurish dialogues that disrupt the immersion. Additionally, "Magic" falls short in terms of maintaining the tightness and tension expected from a thriller.

The protagonist, Indra, is the son of a magician and utilizes his inherited skills to bring joy to people's lives, particularly those who are in need of some magic. However, it becomes apparent that Indra carries old wounds and battles with inner demons. When Kriti enters his life, portrayed by Oindrila, he discovers her psychological struggles and uses his magic tricks to assist her. However, the love story presented initially, with its glamorous appearance and vibrant aesthetics, turns out to be a mere facade. As the plot unfolds, hints of a darker tale are intertwined with thrilling moments, and the story takes a promising twist at the interval.

It is after the interval that the true story of "Magic" begins to unfold. The audience is taken on a deeper journey into the characters' lives, uncovering hidden secrets and exploring the psychological depths of the protagonists. The film aims to balance the intrigue and suspense of a thriller with social awareness, likely addressing important issues prevalent in society.

Overall, "Magic" offers an engaging cinematic experience that blends magic, drama, and social awareness. However, it falls short in terms of dialogue quality and the tightness typically associated with thrillers. The story truly picks up momentum after the interval, delving into darker territories and providing a more immersive experience for the audience.

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