
FlyOver Film Review

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FlyOver Film Review

"Flyover" is a Bengali adaptation of the Kannada supernatural thriller film "U Turn." The Bengali version closely follows the original film, replicating its storyline and overall execution. The film revolves around Bidisha, a journalist played by Koel Mallick, who becomes interested in a peculiar traffic violation trend on Lake Gardens flyover. Motorcyclists move aside boulders on the median to take a u-turn on the flyover, which catches Bidisha's attention. However, her involvement in the story takes an unexpected turn when she is arrested by the police on a murder charge.

Bidisha, along with a junior officer named Gaurab Chakrabarty, soon discovers that every person involved in the boulder-moving incidents has died. Despite the odds stacked against them, the duo cannot resist delving deeper into this captivating mystery, leading them to face numerous challenges and hardships. The film maintains a fast-paced and engaging narrative, incorporating the right amount of violence. However, its major flaw lies in the predictability of the script. While the inclusion of supernatural elements adds some thrill to the story, it fails to deliver the intended chills.

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