
FIR Film Review

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FIR is a gripping thriller that sheds light on the dangers of stereotyping and blaming an entire community for the actions of a few individuals. The story revolves around Irfan Ahmed, a talented chemical engineer from IIT-Madras, who faces discrimination during job interviews due to his religion. Irfan lives peacefully with his mother, who works as a lower-level police officer.

The National Intelligence Agency receives a tip about the whereabouts of Abu Bakkar Abdullah, a notorious terrorist wanted for planning attacks in Colombo and India. To track down Abu Bakkar, the National Security Advisor, Ajay Dewan, assembles a team. During their investigation of a Muslim cleric named Zazi Manzul, Irfan inadvertently attracts their attention. Circumstances eventually lead them to believe that Irfan is Abu Bakkar, and they take him into custody. Struggling to prove his innocence in the face of disbelief from everyone, Irfan embarks on a journey to clear his name.

The first half of the film is an effective and fast-paced thriller, skillfully directed by Manu Anand. The narrative alternates between Irfan's life and the NIA's investigation, keeping the audience engaged. The film introduces several memorable supporting characters, such as Prarthana, a criminal lawyer and Irfan's friend, Anisha Qureshi, a determined NIA officer, and Gunashekar, a lower-ranked officer who plays a significant role in the case.

Director Manu Anand incorporates real-life terrorist attacks, particularly the Easter Sunday Colombo blasts, into the storyline, making the film feel grounded in reality. The film also effectively portrays how Irfan becomes a suspect, highlighting the role of stereotyping in the process. The audience realizes that Irfan's name alone attracted attention, emphasizing the dangers of prejudiced assumptions.

Even the romantic track between Irfan and Archana, portrayed by Reba Monica John, is seamlessly woven into the narrative and adds an endearing element to the film. The performances by Vishnu Vishal, Gautham Vasudev Menon, Manjima Mohan, Raiza Wilson, and Praveen Muthurangan are convincing and contribute to the overall impact of the movie.

FIR successfully delivers a thought-provoking message while delivering a thrilling cinematic experience. It showcases the consequences of baseless accusations and the importance of looking beyond stereotypes in a society plagued by terrorism.

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