
Duggi Elo Oi - Biggest Durga Puja Celebration 2023


In this segment, we seek to showcase Bengal's cultural tryst with Durgotsav both from antiquity and modern times . over the centuries , myriad artistic expressions such as dance, music, painting, theatre have got intertwined into the cultural fabric of Durgotsav. many such traditions have perished and some continue to exist. our goal is to engage our modern audience in a programme of modern sensibilities but at the same time stringing together the threads of the past. To achieve this, we seek to represent various old cultural aspects such as the near extinct tradition of ‘Ramayan gaan’ which in recent past formed an integral part of rural Durga worship. Keeping in sync with the martial spirit of devi, we will also stage the traditional war dance of Bengal called ‘Raybenshe’. we also want to present ‘Dhaaker lodai’ – the fight of two traditionally skilled drummers, which once formed such an integral part of Durga puja culture and was a favoruite pastime of zamindars and aristrocracy. Traditional musical formats which have shaped the cultural identity of Durgotsav over the ages, such as kirtan, agamani, bijaya, tappa, baul and others will also be staged on this segment. know more...

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