
Dugdugi ott Review

★ 3.5
Total Rating : 2
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"Dugdugi" Web Series Review:

In the uproarious and captivating world created by director Joydeep Mukherjee, "Dugdugi" is a comedy drama series that promises to hook audiences from the very first episode. Starring a talented ensemble cast including Anirban Chakrabarti, Biswanath Basu, Loknath Dey, Rayati Bhattacharya, and Shreya Bhattacharya, among others, this series boasts an impressive lineup of performances.
With six episodes, each with a thrilling runtime of around 20 minutes, "Dugdugi" doesn't waste a moment. It revolves around the life of Abanish, a man trapped in the monotony of his everyday existence, plagued by a series of mundane problems both in his professional and personal life. Yearning for a dose of excitement and meaning, Abanish's frustration grows until a sudden twist of events takes place when his wife mysteriously disappears. As chaos ensues, Abanish finds himself on an unexpected quest to uncover the truth behind his wife's whereabouts. This unexpected turn of events not only adds a tantalizing twist to the plot but also throws Abanish's once predictable life into disarray.
From the very first moment, Dugdugi feels entirely unnecessary. It's puzzling to witness the intense curiosity surrounding Abanish's marital life, as the reasons for this interest remain obscure. Moreover, the discussions that ensue are not only crass but also exaggerated. However, this series manages to blend elements of comedy with a touch of thriller, resulting in a unique hybrid. Abanish's character is portrayed as a naive and perennially despondent individual. Surprisingly, though, there is no sense of sympathy towards him, nor do we feel pity when his world crumbles due to his wife's sudden disappearance. It's rather strange how they depict Abanish as a weak man whom everyone bullies, considering his unpleasant demeanor and the fact that he cheats on his wife. Consequently, we find ourselves grappling with conflicting emotions towards our protagonist, making it increasingly challenging to like or root for him. Nevertheless, it becomes evident that Abanish does care about his wife, and his consistently foolish actions lead us to ponder whether he is simply too dim-witted to rectify anything.
The series kicks off with delightful moments that gradually transform into a perplexing and disconcerting journey. It's as if the creators struggled to navigate the complexities of a runaway wife and failed to depict basic household tasks proficiently because, evidently, men are expected to falter in that domain. While the creators endeavour to portray our protagonist, Abanish, as a righteous and beleaguered soul, he largely comes across as repugnant, lacking any allure or charisma. At best, he is irritating enough to warrant a good slap. The obstacles he encounters along the way may induce laughter, albeit mostly due to his own ineptitude. Initially, the situations present themselves as a source of amusement, provided one refrains from pondering too deeply. However, the reality is that this comedy lacks intellectual substance, incessantly repeating the same joke in the futile hope that it will eventually land after repeated attempts. Curiously enough, one becomes accustomed to the recycled humour after a while, much to our bemusement. Nevertheless, the solid performances delivered by an exceptional cast of actors salvage some of the show's dignity.

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