
Dadur Kirti Web Series Review

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Dadur Kirti, where the quest for treasure meets the haunting world of supernatural mysteries!
About the plot :
The story of the web series is centred around the Chaudhary House. The owner of the house has kept some treasures hidden inside the house, with the belief that someone from his own family will solve the mystery and find out the treasure. After this we see that different family members come and all of them try to solve the mystery to access the hidden treasure. In the story, there is a pair of old parents, who possesses a palatial home. Their children do not stay there. With the news of the ill health of one of the parents, their children are summoned. There are many children and all of them assemble there. After coming there, they get a hint, based on which they try to find some hidden treasure. Finally do they succeed in finding the hidden treasure? And even if they succeed, what is the hidden treasure? To know that, you have to watch the web series. This webseries is designed in such a way that it entails a lot of elements. On one side there is this supernatural element while on the other there is the suspense of finding the hidden treasure. On one hand there is family bonding while on the other hand there is this love story. For the viewers this is an advantage because everyone will get to see his/her preferred genre in this web series. And all this together will entertain the audience.
About the cast and the director:
The web series is directed by Rahul Mukherjee and casts Paran Bandopadhaya, Anashua Majumdar, Shantilal Mukherjee, Jaayati Chakraborty, Rwitobroto Mukherjee, Tanishka Tiwari, Chandreyee Ghosh, Kanchan Mullick, Srijla Guha, Soham Maitra, Durbar Sharma, Avery Singha
Roy, Ayan Bhattacharjee and Satyam Bhattacharya.
About the web series review:
Now there are obviously some positive sides as well as negative sides of this web series. The positive side is the caste and crew of the web series. Here everyone is a well-known as and all of them are great performers. Everyone's performance here is pretty good. The comedy scenes are really good and everyone's performance in those scenes are very nice. In those places where Comedy doesn't work, their performances work. May be in some places, we are not getting the scripted comedy, but the performance is so good that it works. Here, the second positive point is Kharaj Mukherjee's voice. This gives a different dimension to the web series. Thirdly if I talk about any positive point, then I must mention Madhura Palit's work who is a brilliant DOP. And the way the songs are used in this web series,the songs are really good. Another important positive aspect of this web series is that there are quite a few scenes involving emotionalbreakdown. Those are working in favour of the webseries. There are some emotional scenes between father and son all through out the webseries, which also work in favour of the web series. Now if I talk about the negative aspects of the web series. There are several plots which are incorporated in the web series. Thus in order to establish each and every story, in some places, it feels that the flow of the story is getting obstructed. This may cause a bit of boredom to some viewers. Now let me talk about Satyam who is the caretaker of this house. A romantic side of his life is shown here. That romantic side is not established properly in the series. Plus there are quite a few characters like that of Shanti Lal or like that of Writobroto. These characters are coming and performing their own work but somewhere it feels illogical. Why they are coming or doing what they are doing, that is not justified. Their characters are not developed properly. Towards the end of the web series, we feel that it is quite predictable. Thus, these are the negative aspects of the web series. But overall if I say, this is a good web series.
The acting Part:
Here everyone is a well-known as and all of them are great performers. Everyone's performance here is pretty good. Particularly if I talk about Paran Bandopadhyay and Anasua Majumder; the presence of these two people in the web series is in itself a big positive point. In this web series
we see tha the comedy has worked really well. The comedy scenes are really good and everyone's performance in those scenes are very nice. In those places where Comedy doesn't work, their performance works brilliantly. Basically the comedy works because of the performance of the actors.
About the technical aspect and background music:
We all know that Madhura Palit is a very good cinematographer. As a result here, the work of the DOP is done brilliantly. Every angle is captured differently. Those angles are really soothing to the eyes. And the way the songs are used in this web series,the songs are really good. The background music is very good, too. This is one such web series in whose background music we are finding a kind of Symphony. In Western films, there is much more use of Symphony to create the ambience. Here also the kind of symphony that is used, it is helping to create the required ambience and it is touching a chord with the audience.
As I have already pointed, all through out the web series you will find the entertainment factor. Because there are many sides to this webseries. There is supernatural ambience, there is family bonding, there is a love story , there is suspense regarding the hidden treasure. As a result, if
one aspect is not working the the other one is working. Thus if I talk about Rahul Mukherjee'sprevious film or his previous web series, this one is far better. Definitely watch this series and after watching the web series do let us know how you like it.

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