
Bony Film Review

★ 0
Total Rating : 0
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In Parambrata Chatterjee's film "Bony," which features the director himself, Koel Mallick, Anjan Dutt, and Kanchan Mullick, the consistent pace of the film engages the audience. However, it falls short when it comes to adapting Shirshendu Mukhopadhyay's novel of the same title, appearing amateurish in its execution. With the exception of the lead actress, the rest of the cast delivers lackluster performances, giving the impression that the director's efforts were half-hearted and superficial.

The plot revolves around a mafia group of scientists conducting experiments on superhumanoids, intending to use them as future weapons for warfare. Without revealing spoilers, the film concludes with a clichéd ending, ultimately conveying a humanist message about using artificial intelligence for the betterment of humanity rather than its destruction.

The film's continuous twists, presented at a consistent pace, are the only aspect that makes it worth sitting through. However, the portrayal of the artificial intelligence theme feels outdated, considering the numerous films worldwide that have explored the subject with a more advanced perspective.

Koel Mallick delivers a dramatic performance as a concerned mother determined to restore her baby to a normal life, while Parambrata Chatterjee's acting lacks dedication throughout the film, at times appearing expressionless when facing the camera. Kanchan Mullick stays within his comfort zone, delivering a comical performance but seeming oblivious to the strange events caused by Himu in his house. Anjan Dutt struggles to convince as an AI scientist, but he does his best with a superficially characterized role.

The remaining cast, portraying the group of scientists and goons chasing after Bony, delivers below-average performances, making the viewing experience tiresome at times.

Overall, "Bony" falls short in terms of adaptation and performance, relying on consistent twists to maintain the audience's interest. However, it fails to offer a fresh or advanced perspective on the artificial intelligence theme and suffers from lackluster acting from the majority of the cast.

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