The news of a biopic on freedom fighter Jatindranath Mukhopadhyay, also known as 'Bagha Jatin,' hitting the screens across West Bengal during Durga Puja is likely to be of great interest to the audiences. The film will feature actor Dev in the lead role, portraying the life and struggles of the revolutionary freedom fighter.
Director Arun Roy, known for his work on period films such as '8/12 Binay Badal Dinesh' and 'Egaro,' shared his fascination with the freedom struggle and expressed his interest in bringing Bagha Jatin's inspiring story to the silver screen.
Jatindranath Mukhopadhyay was a prominent member of revolutionary groups like Yugantar and Anushilan Samiti. He played a crucial role in India's fight for independence but tragically lost his life at the age of 35 during a fierce gun-battle with the British Police in the forests of Mayurbhanj, which is present-day Odisha. His bravery and contributions to the freedom movement have made him a revered figure in India's history.
The biopic is likely to shed light on Bagha Jatin's remarkable life, his involvement in the revolutionary activities, and his ultimate sacrifice for the nation's freedom. With a talented actor like Dev essaying the lead role and a director experienced in handling period films, the biopic is expected to garner attention and appreciation from the audience.
As Durga Puja is a major festival celebrated with enthusiasm in West Bengal, the release of this biopic during this festive season could add to the film's appeal and draw larger crowds to the theaters. Fans of history, freedom fighters, and inspirational stories are likely to look forward to witnessing the life and legacy of Bagha Jatin on the big screen.