
Achena Uttam Film Review

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Achena Uttam Film Review

Directed by Atanu Bose, "Achena Uttam" is a biopic that aims to shed light on hidden truths and lesser-known stories about the life of the late Uttam Kumar, a prominent figure in the film industry. The film focuses on the final days of the Mahanayak, delving into the challenges he faced, including financial troubles, questionable career choices, alcohol abuse, womanizing, and the immense pressure of being an icon in the industry.

Recreating a persona as captivating and dynamic as Uttam Kumar requires courage, and Saswata Chatterjee delivers a commendable performance in this regard. From his speech to his mannerisms, Chatterjee truly embodies the essence of the Mahanayak, to the extent that the physical dissimilarities between the two are often forgotten. This transformation is a testament to Chatterjee's talent as an actor, as he dedicates himself to the character and pays meticulous attention to detail, staying true to the essence of Uttam Kumar.

In summary, "Achena Uttam" directed by Atanu Bose explores hidden truths and lesser-known aspects of Uttam Kumar's life. Saswata Chatterjee's portrayal is captivating and successfully captures the essence of the Mahanayak, showcasing his ability to transform himself into the character with dedication and attention to detail.

Ditipriya Roy as Sabitri Chatterjee has a short role with an incredible impact, her eyes shimmering with a combination of hurt and humiliation that promises a maturity few young actors possess. Biswanath Basu as Tarun Kumar is understated but important as the peacemaker — a feat that offsets Srabanti Chatterjee’s rather dramatic portrayal of Gauri DebiSayantani Raychaudhuri as Supriya Debi leaves one cold, from acting to makeup. However, a surprisingly impressive fit is Priyanshu Chatterjee as Satyajit Ray.
But despite the star-studded cast, there are several forces at work that turn the audiences’ attention towards several conflicting timelines and confusing plot points. From his discussions with Ray about his rejection of Ghare Baire immediately before a scene from the shooting of Nayak (with quite a few years between the two films), to a decided lack of empathy for certain key characters, this confusion is furthered both visually and verbally over the course of the movie. The narration needs a good deal more definition and development, because in order to showcase the other Uttam Kumar, whose character spirals down a miasma, the plot gets lost, and with that, the audience’s empathy towards the characters is affected significantly.

Despite its flaws, "Achena Uttam" deserves applause for its accurate reconstruction of another time period, paying attention to details such as carpets, cigarettes, and cups. The music in the film, particularly Shaheb Chatterjee's "Ami Jene Shune Beesh Korechhi Paan" and Durnibar Saha's "Tumi Shondhar Meghomala," adds a sonorous touch. Special mention should also be made of the recreated song "Hindusthan Mein Keyaa Hain Tumhara," written by Uttam Kumar himself and nicely brought to life by Dipan Mitra and Upali Chattopadhyay.

However, the film struggles to maintain a consistent chronology and fails to create a space where the characters become relatable and resonant. In his attempt to depict the "truth," director Atanu Bose falls short in establishing a strong emotional connection, leaving a sense of disenchantment. This may have been the director's intention, but for potentially different reasons.

Despite having a good cast, the film lacks the emotional depth and relatability that would have enhanced the overall experience. The sense of disenchantment felt by the audience may not align with the director's intended purpose, highlighting a disconnect between the film and its viewers.




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